Today I was trying to be nice to mr rebelious. He was not very nice today though. I've been trying everything I can think of with this kid. I tried telling him I'd give him an hour of Wii time at the beginning of the morning, if we put check marks up on our board he would lose 10 min/checkmark. I thought this would work. No, he just would erase his checkmarks. Also, when I was trying to help him on his math test since he missed every single problem the first time through because he wasn't paying attention when I went over it, he spat in my face 3x. Needless to say I wrote him up for it. And another student was trying to help him so much today and the day ended with said student in tears becuase Mr. Rebelious kept pushing books at him. I don't know what to do with Mr. Rebellious, nothing I've tried is working. He seriously makes me want to cry very often. If it weren't for my faith I don't know where I'd be right now. I'm hoping that something changes in his attitude. Anyway back to work. The reason I don't write very much now is because I do at least 55 lesson plans a week! Yay planning! Have a good night all.
oh my. Can you start to find tiny things to reward him for? Anything?
can you do something like this?
I might try something like that. I've tried things similar to that before but yeah. He's a tough one!
yeah all I can think of is operant conditioning. Some other little things but it depends on the kid though, that's tough :(
I'd also use the other kids. Reward THEM in front of him.
I so wish this was not so difficult for you....hugs
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