While at the barn this last weekend Holly made me use her camera that I was afraid of. I started off trying to take pictures of this kitty. I failed very often because Kitty loved to me to pet him/her. Everytime I would stoop down to take the picture he/she would come to me.

Probably my favorite of the bunch. I just love this picture. Not sure how I captured it but I like the way the flag has sunlight on it. I like the shadow of the wreath. And I like how the flag in the bottom left is what is in focus.

This stripy kitty is so cute! I love him. Holly was able to get him to look over his shoulder like this for me because she was distracting him with hay.

Love the look on stripy's face when Hammy (black one) was attacking him.

I love this one, they would go from loving each other to fighting within seconds.

I like how Hammy is hugging his brother but don't like how brother is out of focus.

Kitties, Holly and Court had distracted them by waving some hay in front of their faces. I like how both kitties are in focus but the background is out of focus.

Moss of the roof of the barn. I like the contrast of colors, wish I could have taken a better picture though.
one step at a time, one step at a time. First you need to lose the fear of the camera, THEN worry about technical details.
Toaster! Your picture taking skills are wonderful :) I am glad you had such a good time in the barn!
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