WARNING: Not all of these are great photos but I included them for some perspective reasons. The first two aren't very good quality. 1. It is a picture of BEE and yes, my hands were shaking a bit because I was literally 3 inches from the bee. 2. I got more confident as I realized the bee was dying because he had flown himself into the window too many times.
Honest his body isn't disassembled it just looks like it in this picture.
See, I told you it was still together.
Love the lighting behind his wings on this one. At this point I realized he hasn't tried flying at all since I've been sitting here and snapping photos, he's probably near dead :(. Even though I don't like bees, I still felt bad that he died from slamming into the window so much. :( Not that being outside would have been good for him. It snowed on Thursday (when I took this picture).
Last one of the bunch. Thanks for looking at my photos to see other submissions, go here
these are great
i'm always so suprised at how furry these guys are :)
Great shots. I got some of a Japanese Hornet once that was on his last leg...
Thanks for the comments! :) Yeah, I was surprised that the insect was only connected by what appeared to be a small threadlike structure. . . crazy!
Nice job. :)
great job Toaster! And folks, these were all taken with a point and shoot.
Well done..you seem so sympathetic towards the little bugger.. i would have photographed him, then squished him very carefully so I wouldn't get stung. Some days I am just a mean old lady :)
I debated what to do. I don't really like bees, but when he was dying for some reason I felt bad. It's ok though because he did get squished in the end (Just to make sure he was dead.)
Nice shots. Without bees we would not have the pollination for much of what we eat, not to mention honey.
Many worker bees die at the end of season...they just wear out from making so many trips back and forth from the flowers to the hive. As winter comes the hive is pared down to its most essential workers since the honey is already stored.
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