Ok, so she's not Sally McKenney just yet in some of these pictures. In fact, she's not Sally McKenney until the last one. The picture below is from the Bachelorette party, we had written down memories we had of her and she had to guess who wrote it. And for an added twist, we made her read them in crazy voices. :)

See. . . this was fun. . . Nicky and Molly enjoying themselves.

Opening gifts. I will not say on here what they were. Other than gifts we couldn't really give her at the bridal showers O:-).

Getting ready for the rehearsal.

And then. . . on Saturday morning after we had just finally finished decorating the reception hall and going to the store to pick up some last minute things we were trying to race back to the hotel and get ready. . . and then we find these geese crossing the road. At the time it was not funny at all. It ended up turning out alright though.

And then the most beautiful bride and the world got ready. . . pay attention to the dress. . . SHE MADE IT!!! With a little help from her mom. Still amazes me. This is her sister-in-law fluffing the dress.

And these were the beautiful stairs we got to take pictures on. :)

Liz, the maid of honor fixing the very long train :)

And this handsome little guy was supposed to walk down the aisle with me but I ended up walking down the flower girl because she wouldn't go to the bridesmaid that was supposed to walk her down. He's so cute though. I also loved Sally looking at him in this photo.

AND my only picture of the happy couple. After we got to the reception Sally's dad brought in my purse and I didn't know where it was so I didn't get anymore photos. But here they are Mr. and Mrs. Justin McKenney!